Jiaoshan Islands
- Client
Taihu Bay Real Estate Company - Gross Area
43125m² for the Hotel - Architect
studio505 - Environmental Engineer
Atelier 10 - Water Cycle Consultants
Eco Harvest
studio505 were asked to design a sustainable eco resort by the Taihu Bay Real Estate Company, China. To be located on the Jiaoshan Islands, the development represents a unique opportunity for the people of Jiangsu. Developing a sustainable, carbon neutral and net energy zero style resort on the location while focusing the attention of the development on the opportunity to rehabilitate the waters of Taihu in general will help to improve the livelihood, wealth and health of the surrounding populations and communities.
The development is designed to reveal itself as a series of new hilltops, nestled between the two islands, connecting them to each other and to the greater lake. The architecture of the circular marina creates a new centre between the islands, where they currently kiss. The principal driver for the form has been the creation of place; the current marina has been expanded to a generous and exciting circular enclosure with a building in the form of a rounded hill. Circular motifs recur through scales, from the 200m marina, to the collection of reed beds and pools strung like beads around the interior of the water.
505工作室被常州太湖湾房地产开发有限公司委托设计一座可持续发展生态度假村。度假村位于太湖湾椒山岛,为当地居民带来了一次独特的发展机会。 项目旨在太湖湾发展一座可持续性、碳中性并且净耗能为零的生态度假村,同时项目将发展重心建立在改善太湖湾整体水域的水质问题以及优化周边居民社区的生活环境,质量和健康等问题上。

A sustainable, carbon neutral
and net energy zero style resort. Focusing the attention of the development on the opportunity to rehabilitate the waters of Lake Taihu.

The development is designed to reveal itself as a series of new hilltops, nestled between the two islands, and connecting them to each other and to the greater lake.

The two main peaks of the
Jiaoshan Islands and the form
of the trailing landmasses has
been the inspiration for the
formal response.

These islands are covered in significant vegetation -
ranging from forested woods, through to established fruit
orchards terraced through
the island.

Lake Taihu currently has some severe issues with algae blooms and the central government, through the Ministry of Environmental Protection, is going to great lengths to clean up Taihu over the next 5 years. Developments close to the Lake are now closely monitored to ensure that they are not going to contribute additional pollutants into the Lake Taihu Ecosystem.
Jiaoshan Island Resort is surrounded by the waters of Lake Taihu. These waters are often polluted and are the source of drinking water for most developments on the lake including the major city of Wuxi. A sustainable water management strategy on the island is therefore vital and crucial to the success of a resort development on the Island to ensure continued water supply and maintain good water quality surrounding the island.

The sustainable water strategy for Jiaoshan revolves around water use reduction measures. The water from roof, rain and wastewater treatment is reused. Through smart reed bed and anaerobic technology, Jiaoshan Island Resort sets about cleaning the entire lake while creating energy in the form of bio gas at same time.
椒山岛可持续的水策略是围绕减少用水量的措施开展的。收集来自屋顶,雨水和被处理过的污水并进行重新利用。 通过智能芦苇浮床和厌氧技术,椒山岛度假村在进行清理整个湖区的工作同时能够产生生物气体(沼气)并以此种形式进行能源共给。