- Completion Date
2006 - Client
City of Melbourne Laneway Commissions 2006 - Artist
Carolyn Eskdale - Architect
Designed by studio505 for Carolyn Eskdale and the City of Melbourne Laneway Commissions 2006. Along an unnamed laneway that steps down to the Jolimont Railway Yards, large discs filter and silhouette the space formed between the mass of buildings running from Flinders Lane to Flinders Street.
Compressed between the walls of the laneway, these porous discs impose a fragile presence. Air and light pass through them but as pedestrians make their way along the passage, the forms overlap and become visually compacted. Distance and proximity, perspective and duration complete a complex spatial experience that intensifies our encouters with the city.
The filters are supported and formed on laser cut perspex fins, with folded polypropylene mounted within allowing the elements to float and become perfectly transparent when viewed end on.

"The column of air traced by the work along the walkway recalls for me the rhythm of steps, the rhythms of space, the anatomy of breathing" Carolyn Eskdale